
Waxahachie, Texas, March 29, 2005 -- Believing what I was raised to hold sacred, that every voice counts, I've bombarded my local paper for years with letters and op-eds (and been active in politics). Yet here in the heart of everyone's favorite "red state," where it's especially important that another voice be heard, no one seemed to be listening. This is my megaphone.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I Heart Huckabee?

Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas now running for the GOP presidential nomination, in some ways could be a man after my own heart, and not just because he plays a mean bass guitar in a rock ‘n roll band.

The other day, during a campaign stop in Iowa, he agreed with a questioner that America’s education system must be improved, and that more math and science majors are needed. But then he added that he thinks the arts are just as important.
Here’s what his web site says about that:
Music and the arts are not extraneous, extra-curricular, or expendable — I believe they are essential. I want to provide every child these "Weapons of Mass Instruction."

As a pretty close follower of the primary campaign I believe I’ve heard just about every candidate, in both parties, champion a need for more math and science graduates, but I do believe Governor Huckabee is the only one I’ve heard remark on the importance of the arts.

A cursory check of web sites for the front-running candidates finds that what we offer our children by way of education merits scarcely more than a mention by Clinton, Giuliani or McCain; Romney gives a slight nod to math and science; Edwards and Obama both offer a variety of good ideas, Edwards in the most detail. But so far only Huckabee has talked about the arts. He elaborated at a Republican debate, saying that (I paraphrase) if we don't educate the right AND left brain of a child, the result will be a person out of balance, a balance needed to be a good citizen.

Every child, from kindergarten on, should be instructed in the arts. From the primary grades, children should be taught the rudiments of the graphic arts, both appreciation and hands-on. Dance can be incorporated into physical education classes (which should be required through all twelve grades). Children who wish to learn to play an instrument should be given the opportunity; choral music should be taught right along with appreciation of the classics, and interested students encouraged to join a drama club, school chorale or musical production group.

Begun in school, a lifetime connection with the arts will be a comfort and a pleasure throughout life. So much of the world around us is better understood — and enjoyed — when we have a broad foundation in the arts from the early years. In fact, I dare to date the decline in our educational "product" from the decision, in the late 'fifties or early 'sixties (after Sputnik beat us into space), to focus our public education on science and math.

Of course, to provide quality public education in America we simply must increase what we are willing to pay for it. We all know that “you get what you pay for,” and that a society is better off when its population is truly well educated, yet for some reason this is a hard concept to sell.

Every child in America needs to know how to read, how to speak and write proper English, how our government works, and some rudimentary science, as well as how to perform calculations using at least basic arithmetic. Geography and history — state, national and world — should also be required, although the depth of study may vary with the student's goals in life. Now that we see how the international world of the 21st century is evolving, a case can be made for requiring computer skills and at least some foreign language. Right there you've got enough to fill most of a present school day, but we can do more.

English literature classes should teach the classics, including the great essayists and poets, and plays from Shakespeare to modern American classics. History classes should include biographies of ancient and contemporary notables.

Ranchers and policemen, doctors, lawyers and merchants, cooks and crossing guards and truck drivers all benefit from exposure to these arts. Steeped in the past and great works that were produced over the centuries, our children will develop a sense of our evolution and place in time; they will find models and inspiration and understanding of the present.

Foreign language should be taught as early as possible, preferably beginning in elementary school, and for at least two or three years at a stretch. Early study of another language leads to a better understanding of English, teaches the concept that there is a world beyond us, and builds the foundation for future proficiency in whatever language (including computer) the student may elect to study.

Every eighth-grader should understand our political system, be required to read the national and international news section of a major newspaper or news magazine at least weekly, and to participate in classroom evaluations of the election process at election time. Too many Americans base their opinions on hearsay, talk shows, trash writings, and TV sound bites; worse yet, they impart their misinformation to their children who, without a decent civics education, perpetuate the problem.

It may be argued that there just isn't time in the school day to teach all the new material there is, let alone art "extras," that there is no time or staff for extracurricular activities. And of course that we don't have the money . . .

I say we go for broke and spend like crazy to get the best education for our children, the future of our country: Longer school days, offering the fringe benefit of reducing the cost of child care for working parents, as well as reducing or eliminating the latchkey population and related opportunities for trouble; longer school years, which would also give teachers year-round employment. Let’s create an educational system that will attract the "best and brightest" teachers because they will be well paid and know they will be able to count on the respect and commitment of parents and students.

Then, regardless of the number of youngsters who go on to college or university, we will have produced a new generation of educated, informed, acculturated citizens who are qualified to take on the responsibility for America.

Every one of us has an interest in spending what it takes to achieve greatness.

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