
Waxahachie, Texas, March 29, 2005 -- Believing what I was raised to hold sacred, that every voice counts, I've bombarded my local paper for years with letters and op-eds (and been active in politics). Yet here in the heart of everyone's favorite "red state," where it's especially important that another voice be heard, no one seemed to be listening. This is my megaphone.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Getting together

Rather than let the media drumbeat about a “divided Democratic Party” define us, the inside-the-beltway types, the elected Democrats, the more visible people — our leaders — instead of watching what they say or carefully saying nothing or even distancing themselves from outside-the-beltway activists, should step up and acknowledge the efforts of liberal bloggers,, Cindy Sheehan, and yes, even Michael Moore as vital to our democracy.

Then, while they have our attention, they should go on and describe where they disagree and how and to what extent they plan to work for what the activists want to see happen.

We activists are not unreasonable — we just want to know how our concerns will be addressed.

It’s called finding common ground, and it has to happen.


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